Monday, April 22nd, 2024
Do you need trust to challenge?
In this dissertation from an MA SALES MANAGEMENT programme in 2017-18, the author explores the extent to which trust is important when applying the Challenger Selling approach. Abstract Challenger Selling was a new sales approach that was popularised in a 2008 Harvard Business Review article by Matthew Dixon and Brett Adamson. They published the Challenger Sale book in 2011, and…
Wednesday, July 5th, 2023
Sales strategy 101
Three ways to analyse sales strategies to determine gaps and identify opportunities for improvement. I’ve been selling and consulting for almost two decades now. During that time, I’ve had the chance to collaborate with sales organizations worldwide, assisting them with their sales strategies and designing sales enablement programmes to bridge gaps. Based on my experience, analyzing sales strategies is crucial…
Thursday, April 20th, 2023
Research Review – edited by Jeremy Noad 9.2 2023
The research review aims to help readers keep up to date with recently published research on sales-related topics. The review highlights short abstracts of academically peer-reviewed research. This selection of published research is from a range of academic journals. In this edition, the abstracts include four themes that focus on sales performance, customer management, and behavioural studies. Sales performance Salesperson…
Thursday, April 20th, 2023
Salespeople and leaders differ on key aspects of buyer centricity
Recent research highlights differences in how sales leaders and sellers view the best ways to engage with prospects, but the majority agree that buyer centricity is the right approach overall – that’s according to a study conducted by sales training specialist ValueSelling Associates and L&D publication Training Industry. A significant majority of sales leaders (61%) believe it makes sense to…
Thursday, April 20th, 2023
Does your organisation have buyer-centric sales skills?
Fewer than half of sales leaders and…
Tuesday, February 14th, 2023
Research Review – edited by Jeremy Noad 9.1 2023
The research review aims to help readers keep up to date with recently published research on sales-related topics. The review highlights short abstracts of academically peer-reviewed research. This selection of published research is from a range of academic journals. In this edition, the abstracts include four themes that focus on sales performance, customer management, behavioural studies, and systems and tools….
Monday, November 28th, 2022
Too many cooks…
How a single sales methodology can help to reap global benefits I am constantly amazed at how quickly companies that invest in a sales training methodology are led astray and lose out on the benefits it can deliver. Often, as the roll-out draws to a close, someone proposes a new “shiny toy”. Incredibly, they go for it, short-circuiting all the…
Friday, September 30th, 2022
2022 8.5 Research Review – edited by Jeremy Noad
The research review aims to help readers keep up to date with recently published research on sales-related topics. The review highlights short abstracts of academically peer-reviewed research. This selection of published research is from a range of academic journals. In this edition, the abstracts include four themes that focus on sales performance, capability development, behavioural studies, and systems and tools….
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
2022 8.3 Research Review – edited by Jeremy Noad
The research review aims to help readers keep up to date with recently published research on sales-related topics. The review highlights short abstracts of academically peer-reviewed research. This selection of published research is from a range of academic journals. In this edition, the abstracts include four themes that focus on sales performance, customer management, behavioural studies, and systems and tools….
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
Selling face to face
Being there is still important in the modern B2B sales process. Businesses increasingly communicate with customers and prospects in new ways as technology advances. Today’s sales reps use a variety of tools to accomplish their tasks – email, social media and video-chat tools among others. Consequently, traditional in-person sales meetings have become less common. Nevertheless, even as the B2B sales…
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
Value-pricing: 12 key points for implementing strategy
Value First, Then Price: Building Value-Based Pricing Strategies, edited by Andreas Hinterhuber and Todd C Snelgrove, is the definitive book on value selling. To celebrate the publication of the second edition we have interpreted some of the main points in one of the key chapters of the book: “Quantifying your value so customers are willing and able to pay for…
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
Understanding true value
Engage buyers using the basics of value-based selling. We all know the frightening stats: buyers spend 17% of their time interacting with sales professionals, and nearly half (43%) prefer a completely rep-free experience (Gartner). Yes, this is alarming. However, this roadblock is just that, a roadblock – it’s not impassable. After all, the buying journey is complex and contains numerous…
Monday, July 26th, 2021
Psychological contract
Introducing the psychological contract into sales education Introduction This paper discusses the relevance of the “psychological contract” to the sales process and its potential contribution to the field of sales education. This viewpoint has emerged through the author’s 40 years etic and emic perspectives of direct observation of sales executives, five years involvement in national and international university sales competitions,…
Monday, July 26th, 2021
Past, present and future of sales enablement
Exploring the last decade of sales and sales enablement and what’s in store for the next ten years. There’s no question that B2B sales and the ways in which we sell have rapidly and fundamentally changed during the past year. But how does that compare with the past decade and, more importantly, where is the industry headed next? For many…
Monday, July 26th, 2021
The three truths of sales enablement
Like any change-management programme, effective sales enablement is not rocket science but remains challenging to deliver. I am constantly amazed by the poor understanding of enablement in the go-to-market space. Many overcomplicate it; others oversimplify and dismiss its value. I recently delivered a webinar with the Sales Enablement Society, titled “The Only Enablement Operating Model You’ll Ever Need.” In that…
Friday, April 23rd, 2021
Supercharging our sales conversations
Selling power comes not from how much conversation we manage to get through, but the quality of the conversation. Supercharging sales is the overall theme of this edition of the International Journal of Sales Transformation, so I thought it might be appropriate to focus on a topic that has long been a focus of mine: how can salespeople supercharge their…
Friday, April 23rd, 2021
Omnichannel here to stay for B2B sales
Covid-19 has cemented omnichannel interactions as the…
Friday, February 26th, 2021
New sales realities
Business leaders need to understand that it’s the fit of People, Process, Pricing, and Partners that drives sales effectiveness. Selling is changing. When managers make decisions based on obsolete assumptions, they fall victim to those who do understand cause-and-effect links between buying and selling. For over a half-century, buying has been framed in terms of a hierarchy-of-effects model: moving a…
Friday, February 26th, 2021
Fast forward to the future
Waldemar Adams explains how SAP’s sales organisation moved quickly to adapt in a year of dramatic change. iJosT: What do you think are the most important issues around sales currently? W A: What we see is that we are anyhow in a transition in the world of selling that has now accelerated because of the pandemic situation. Most of it…
Friday, February 26th, 2021
Here’s what’s changing
The key issues for B2B sales leaders in 2021. 2020 proved to be a challenging year for many B2B sales organisations. Certain sectors powered ahead (for example, anything associated with e-commerce or digital transformation) but many other industries suffered significant declines in demand. 2021 will inevitably bring further challenges. Whilst the emergence of effective vaccines offers some hope for recovery,…