
Do you need to understand a sales-related topic in more depth? Respected business thought-leaders and academics shine the light on current issues facing the global sales community.

No going back

November 26th, 2021 by

What should B2B sales leaders be prioritising in 2022? As we head towards 2022, sales organisations are emerging from a tumultuous two years. Across many markets and industries, the sales function has had to cope with transformational changes that have been compressed into a short period of time. Inevitably, some sales organisations have managed to adapt better than others. They… 

A new paradigm for CPD in sales

September 28th, 2021 by

Why there needs to be a fresh approach to the personal development of sales executives and their managers. Many readers of this article may already be in superb sales organisations; however, for those in the sales field it will come as no surprise that many small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) have little in the way of formal sales training that could be… 

The role of trust in sales

September 27th, 2021 by

If we expect our customers to trust us, we need to develop both an internal and an external culture of trust. Trust is an essential foundational element in any sales environment, and it can (and must) take many forms. Perhaps the most obvious manifestation lies in the relationship between the salesperson (and the vendor they represent) and the customer’s decision-making… 

Four steps to embedding ethics

September 27th, 2021 by

Sales ethics is essential in the new normal. Good business strategy Many companies, even entire industries, struggle to remain open during this ongoing period of challenging economic uncertainty. Business models that were shifting prior to the pandemic, such as the move from instore shopping to e-commerce, have accelerated because of the pandemic. Businesses are adjusting strategies to stay ahead of… 

The gift of anxiety

July 26th, 2021 by

Perhaps surprisingly, the nature of anxiety means that it offers an inherent opportunity for personal and professional growth. In high-value and complex B2B sales, ambitious sales targets and growth plans are common. Typically, sales professionals are measured on outcomes they can control only to a certain extent. As they mature in their career, many develop ways of managing sales pressure… 

Establishing the foundations of a coaching culture

July 26th, 2021 by

The ability to coach is a key attribute that distinguishes truly effective first-level sales managers from the pack. What’s the one thing that separates truly effective first-level sales managers from the rest? You can make a case for their ability to motivate or to create an environment of responsibility and accountability, but there’s good reason to believe that their ability… 

The triumph of data over intuition

April 26th, 2021 by

How businesses must adapt to the new world of virtual selling. When the Coronavirus pandemic swept across the world in 2020, it is safe to say that all industries were dramatically disrupted and forced to reassess their operations and ways of working. However, the sales industry was one of the business sectors that was significantly turned on its head by… 

3 steps to reinventing GTM

April 23rd, 2021 by

How top sales innovators are embedding data and technology throughout their organisations to reimagine sales for the “next normal”. Sales has always been a “sensing” organisation, attuned to changes in customer sentiment, shifts in demand, and the requirements of different buying stages. But those senses are being flooded as customers shift to digital engagement, leaving sellers with more channels to cover… 

Supercharging our sales conversations

April 23rd, 2021 by

Selling power comes not from how much conversation we manage to get through, but the quality of the conversation. Supercharging sales is the overall theme of this edition of the International Journal of Sales Transformation, so I thought it might be appropriate to focus on a topic that has long been a focus of mine: how can salespeople supercharge their… 

Key trends in sales tech

February 26th, 2021 by

What you need to know about how sales enablement technology is advancing. As is usual at this time of year, I have spent a lot of time thinking about enablement’s current state. Before I take a journey through sales-enablement technology trends, let’s briefly explore enablement and B2B sales, as both of these topics are influencing the outlook for technology for… 

Fast forward to the future

February 26th, 2021 by

Waldemar Adams explains how SAP’s sales organisation moved quickly to adapt in a year of dramatic change. iJosT: What do you think are the most important issues around sales currently? W A: What we see is that we are anyhow in a transition in the world of selling that has now accelerated because of the pandemic situation. Most of it… 

Team tenure

February 26th, 2021 by

Why understanding team tenure can be a key to healthy sales-team dynamics and a rapid alignment of teams. The longer a team has spent together with the same composition of team members, the more harmonious interpersonal relationships become. The shared experience builds trust and psychological safety, leading to smoother team processes, more effective use of resources and increased team performance… 

It’s time to level up!

February 26th, 2021 by

Four forever changes transforming b2b revenue activities. Sales and marketing leaders, it’s time to level up. Buyers are searching for more information on their own, without talking to a sales rep. That means they are engaging with your content further down the funnel. As a result, your content can’t be just a companion to a sales-led customer conversation; it needs… 

Here’s what’s changing

February 26th, 2021 by

The key issues for B2B sales leaders in 2021. 2020 proved to be a challenging year for many B2B sales organisations. Certain sectors powered ahead (for example, anything associated with e-commerce or digital transformation) but many other industries suffered significant declines in demand. 2021 will inevitably bring further challenges. Whilst the emergence of effective vaccines offers some hope for recovery,… 

Welcome aboard (digitally)!

February 26th, 2021 by

How sales-enablement platforms can help us make a success of virtual onboarding. One positive to come out of 2020 was the accelerated push for digitalisation. For some, this meant learning to video call friends and family. For others, it meant moving every single work-related process from in-person to online. Now, we’re comfortable with hosting entirely virtual events, conducting virtual sales… 


November 9th, 2020 by

How will leadership change in the digital future? Imagine… You are strolling on a boardwalk by the beach. The warm rays of the sun are tickling your nose as you savour the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, darkness takes over, the sun vanishes, and there is a mist in the air. A tornado! A huge swirling spout of water, this massive monster… 

Mind the (skills) gap!

November 9th, 2020 by

Article summary Finding the time for training and development while meeting customer needs (and achieving bottom line results) is a universal struggle faced by nearly all sales executives. The struggle is especially real for those in the highly competitive IT industry, where rapid strategic and industry change require ever-increasing time and effort to stay “in-the-know”. SAP’s Sales Coaching Team has… 

Focus on sales technology

November 9th, 2020 by

Beyond the gimmick Digital sales rooms: are they fact or fancy? For some time, the sales industry has been considering how innovations like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can support the sales process. However, for many, they simply represents a gimmick rather than a genuine means of engaging with buyers and adding value to the experience. However, with… 

What’s your customer’s unique value story?

November 6th, 2020 by

Do you have compelling answers to three crucial customer questions: why change, why you, why now? Generic value propositions, while they might be of some use in persuading potential prospects to make initial contact with you as a potential vendor, aren’t very helpful when it comes to setting your customer’s expectations about the specific value that they will derive from… 

The Magic 6

November 6th, 2020 by

How to lead virtual (and hybrid) meetings. In spring 2020, meetings changed. Instead of physically meeting up with colleagues, everything moved online during lockdown. Of course, sales teams have been catching up with colleagues in the field by phone or video chat for years, but, in March, everything went remote: team meetings, client meetings and much, much more. While meetings…