Monday, September 24th, 2018

The next best thing to being there

New research explores how to dramatically improve your “virtual” sales calls. Editor’s Note: This is the second article in a series about improving the impact of sales calls in phone or web conference environments. This piece covers original research aimed at determining the most effective approach for engaging prospects and customers in these selling environments. In the 60s and 70s,… 

Friday, August 31st, 2018

To add “friction” or not to add friction – that is the question.

Here we preview original research on how best to engage your audience during virtual meetings. The move at many companies is to expand inside sales teams and decrease the number of “feet on the street”. But, for all the potential cost savings and productivity gains, this transition creates some serious engagement questions and challenges resulting from the virtual barrier between… 

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

“Why evolve?”

New research identifies how best to handle upselling or cross-sell conversations. “What about this selling situation?” That’s typically the first question we hear whenever we’ve conducted a study that sheds light on the buyer psychology of some critical moment in the purchase cycle. There’s always somebody waiting with the next question that needs to be run through the research gauntlet…. 

Thursday, December 14th, 2017

“Why now?” What message moves executive buyers to act?

New research reveals the most effective story for making a breakthrough business case to executive-level buyers. In the previous issue of the Journal, I laid out why there’s serious urgency around salespeople needing to become better at making a compelling business case that moves executive-level decision-makers to buy now. I discussed how business proposals need to become more executive-relevant –… 

Friday, September 22nd, 2017

Decide or defer?

Here, we explore why salespeople need help creating urgency with executive decision makers. Stalled proposals and “no decisions” are arguably the biggest threat to your sales pipelines. There’s a good chance you lose more deals here than you lose to your traditional competitors. The big challenge often comes down to how you make your case to an executive buyer. It’s… 

Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

When challenging the customer backfires

There’s a proper time to provoke the customer – it’s just not when you’re trying to keep them or get them to pay more, research shows. Provoking the customer, challenging the status quo, leading with an unexpected insight: these kinds of message are the lifeblood of the disruption-minded story you need to tell when you’re the outsider intent on convincing… 

Sunday, January 29th, 2017

Disrupt or defend?

Delivering your most effective customer renewal message is your best opportunity to drive profitability. But what should that message be? When I last wrote for this publication, my piece addressed a messaging and skills approach for succeeding in what many B2B salespeople regard as the hardest but most rewarding type of sale: new customer acquisition. The skills approach I outlined… 

Saturday, October 31st, 2015

Keep CARM and talk smarter

Researchers from Loughborough University suggest that commercial sales “scripts”, and a great deal of communication training, fail to identify what really works to convert callers to clients and optimize the customer experience. Here, they explore evidence-based training for sales conversations – the Conversation Analytic Role-play Method. How do you know that your telephone sales calls, “recorded for training purposes”, are… 

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

Choose your words carefully

Dr Rein Sikveland, a research associate and… 

Monday, July 6th, 2015

What Great Salespeople Do

Bob Apollo, Managing Partner at Inflexion-Point and Journal columnist says: “I’ve been inspired by What Great Salespeople Do by MichaelBosworth and Ben Zoldan, which illustrates the power of storytelling”. +

Monday, July 6th, 2015

Have you thought about this?

Tim Riesterer, chief strategy officer at Corporate Visions, explains why articulating a customer’s “unconsidered needs” can make you stand out. The proposition Does the following scenario sound familiar? It’s your first sales conversation with a prospect in the field. There you are, face-to-face with a potential buyer, launching into your pitch. So far, so good. Why wouldn’t it be? You… 

Saturday, April 11th, 2015

The Hidden Agenda

Andy Buck, Sales and Marketing Director at CPM (UK) recommends two books he describes as “priceless”. He explains: The Hidden Agenda by Kevin Allen, one of the original Mad Men, is a go-to book for me on a regular basis. Allen’s whole concept of knowing the clients’ credo and shaping the story give you a real competitive edge when approaching…