How comfortable are sales managers in their roles?

1st October 2015 |   Andrew Dugdale

How comfortable are sales managers in their roles?

Key takeaways

  • There are clear common themes across all regions, especially notable is Planning and organising. “You would have thought that this would be a key factor for sales managers to be strong but clearly not!” comments Andrew Dugdale of, the company that provided the data.
  • Also notable by its absence is Interpersonal sensitivity – “yet another key sales manager trait you would have thought would have been high for this group.”
  • Action orientation was also relatively weak, as was Problem solving and Analysis.
  • “The big shock here is the China results: should China succeed in solving its sales manager competency deficits, the rest of the world may well find itself considering the cost of complacency in this business-critical role.”

President of | + posts

Andrew Dugdale is president of