2018 Q4 Research Review – edited by Jeremy Noad
19th December 2018 | Dr Jeremy Noad
These pages aim to keep readers informed of recently published research on sales-related topics, by including abstracts of peer-reviewed academic research published in a range of journals. In this edition, we have grouped them into three broad themes: sales performance, behavioural studies, and systems and tools.
Sales performance
An account manager’s relationship with their customer service team is more effective than strong ties to the marketing team
This article draws on the growing body of research in sales intrafirm networks and sales management literature to develop and test a model of sales-marketing and sales-customer service cross-functional collaboration with actual sales performance. We posit that the effectiveness of specific structural feature of sales intrafirm networks (ie, the number and strength of salesperson intrafirm ties) depends on whether cross-functional collaboration occurs with marketing or customer service. These differences exist because each function has distinct goals and competencies.
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