Brexit survey results

4th September 2016 |   Nick de Cent


The International Journal of Sales Transformation’s post-Brexit survey was carried out using Survey Monkey among a self-selecting group of subscribers to the Journal, in addition to the clients and contacts of CEB (Corporate Executive Board), Consalia, Cranfield University School of Management, the Summit Group, and the Women in Sales Awards. The survey consisted of 26 multiple-choice questions with the additional option of free-form answers available for some questions.


A total of 90 valid, completed or partially completed responses were received: 81% or respondents were male and 18% were female. Age groups of respondents were distributed from just over 1% in the age range 18-24 to slightly more than 2% in the 65-74% range. The modal range was the 45-54% group at almost 40%, while there were just over 25% in each of the ranges 35-44 and 55-64.

The nationality and also country of residence of the respondents showed significant variation. British was perhaps unsurprisingly listed as the nationality of the largest group of respondents at almost 57%, but there were also respondents who listed their nationality as: American, Australian, Austrian, Canadian, Dutch, French, German, Hong Kong Chinese, Irish, Korean, Singaporean, Spanish, Swedish, and Swiss. The majority were resident in the UK (59%) with significant numbers from the USA and Canada, while others were resident in: Australia, Austria, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Founder of the International Journal of Sales Transformation | + posts

Nick de Cent is the founder and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Sales Transformation. A business journalist for over 35 years, he has been covering sales since the mid-1980s and has been a strong advocate of enhancing its professional status. He has freelanced for the Financial Times and edited the Sales Performance supplement in The Times. He also writes and edits extensively on behalf of corporate clients, including a Big 3 management consultancy and a top four global executive search firm.