ISP publishes new Sales Framework

18th September 2024 |   Journal Of Sales Transformation

The ISP Sales Framework

The Institute of Sales Professionals is publishing a new, modular version of the ISP Sales Framework outlining the knowledge, skills, behaviours, and tools required by sales professionals to be “effective and ethical in the prosecution of their profession, supporting personal development, professional advancement and improved business results”.

Acting as a guide for effective, competent sales performance in line with organisational objectives, the framework is divided into four quadrants:

  • Core – Fundamental sales skills generally applicable to most sales scenarios.
  • Business – The essential business skills that support the sales function and effective organisational performance.
  • Leadership – Making things happen, setting direction, and at higher levels, managing others.
  • Self – Skills revolving around personal management.

Looking to a future where the sales sector increasingly adopts qualifications as it professionalises, the framework aims to help salespeople, employers and trainers to enhance skills, plan career progression and talent development, and provide consistent standards.

ISP director Guy Llloyd tells the Journal. “It allows discrete recognised awards to be earned, so supporting a wider uptake in business sales qualifications.”