ISP events 9.2 2023

21st April 2023 |   Journal Of Sales Transformation

Details of upcoming events can be found at the Institute of Sales Professionals website.

Do I need to know about change management to lead in sales?

As a result of joining this event, participants will know the importance of change management in sales which will enable them to gain access to tools to help them learn and embed personal change management into their practice.
Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 10:00

Talent recruitment

As a result of joining this event, participants will know more about sales apprenticeships which will enable them to solve their issues around accessing sufficient high-calibre people for their sales teams.
Thursday, 18 May 2023, 09.00

How to get a seat at the customer’s table – the role of a trusted adviser

As a result of joining this event, participant will know how to establish the role of trusted adviser, which will enable them to become embedded within their client’s business.
Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 09.00

How to maintain momentum in the sales process to shorten the sale cycle

As a result of joining this event, participants will know how to better manage their customer sales process which will enable them to speed up the sales cycle to increase sales growth.
Thursday, 22 June 2023, 09.00

How the best win: using bids to seal the deal

As a result of joining this event, participants will know what the best organisations do to win, which will enable them to adopt the same approaches and win more.
Wednesday, 12 July 2023, 09.00