ISP events 7.4 2021
28th September 2021 | Journal Of Sales Transformation
Webinar: Outsourced sales – brand partners or guns for hire?
6 October 2021: 9.00 am – 9.45 am BST
Dr Beth Rogers, Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University School of Management and examiner and lecturer in sales topics at two other universities in Europe.
This talk explores research about the factors in the make-or-buy decision for sales activities and provides a platform for attendees to pose “what ifs” about outsourcing to a panel of experts. Key takeaways: What sort of sales activities can be outsourced? What are the driving forces in make-or-buy decisions? What are the practicalities, and how are risks managed?
Webinar: Motivating a Sales Team in a Hybrid Working Model
12 October 2021: 9.00 am – 9.45 am BST
Tim Chapman, Managing Partner, Sales EQ Ltd
This session will look at a range of tools and techniques for motivating a sales team in the new normal.
The drive towards ethical sales with purpose
14 October 2021: 9.00 am – 9.45 am BST
Corinne Thomas, Founder and Managing Director of Ethical Sales Ltd
How can we adopt a more ethical approach to selling that still generates real results?
Help your sales teams Make Sales, Not Excuses
19 October 2021: 9.00 am – 9.45 am BST
Suzy Couper, Sales Skills Accelerator
Selling in a complex B2B environment
9 November 2021: 9.00 am – 9.45 am GMT
John Toal, Telleo Partners