Cranfield KAM Forum online
3rd May 2022 | Journal Of Sales Transformation
Reports from Q1 2022
While the Cranfield KAM Forum is planning to restart face-face meetings in late 2022, the success and popularity of the online seminars has demonstrated that there is a benefit from them continuing in parallel with face-to-face sessions. The speakers and subject were chosen to be particularly relevant to key account managers building and maintaining business in the current rapidly changing environment.

Sales tips from an advertising guy: Stephen Mangham
Former Ogilvy Saatchi and Saatchi and Saatchi ad man Stephen Mangham shared his insightful views of the KAM market from the fresh perspective of someone who had a very successful career in advertising observing the companies that get things right and those that do not.
Marketing is “the art of satisfying consumer needs.” It is vital to avoid the “commodity trap” by understanding the value your offerings bring to customers and defining your segments by their behaviour and circumstances rather than demographics. This allows you to focus on the specific value that you bring and get away from competing on price and product specifications with every other company on the internet.
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