SPIN Selling
December 18th, 2018 by Nick de CentIn this series of articles we look at some of the most popular sales methodologies. What’s the difference between a methodology and a process? In sales, the methodology is the application of general – possibly universal – principles to the way we approach a component of the sales cycle albeit that it may also be contextual. A process, in contrast,…
Social selling – five key concepts
September 24th, 2018 by Nick de CentSocial selling is still about conversations. But you will need to update your sales model. All of us in sales are well aware that the way people buy has changed. Salespeople are no longer part of the buying process “by right”. Thanks to the Internet, buyers are better informed and more autonomous than ever before. Somehow we have to be…
Insight into sales talent: the power of big data
May 17th, 2018 by Andrew DugdaleSales talent analytics can drive competitive advantage and unlock new sources of corporate wealth. Pretty much everyone these days has heard of “big data”, but how many firms are actually using it to unlock new sources of corporate wealth in connection with their talent? Let’s start at the beginning: what is big data? Google defines it as: “Extremely large data…
Replicants replace salespeople?
March 26th, 2018 by Professor Nick Lee“More human than human”: The motto of the Tyrell Corporation, from the 1982 film Blade Runner. Recently watching that movie again, in preparation for a showing of the sequel Blade Runner 2049, I was struck (as I often am) by the interesting differences in what we can imagine the future to be like for different technologies. Of course, Blade Runner…
The diversity advantage
March 13th, 2018 by Deirdre ColemanDespite evidence that diversifying leadership teams can increase both innovation and revenue, many organisations are struggling to make it a reality – and few appear to be making visible progress. What are leaders in this space doing differently and what are the critical interventions that work to drive tangible impacts? We report on the D&I findings from Consalia’s 12th annual…
Technology set to stamp out the tedium
September 22nd, 2017 by Nick de CentIs artificial intelligence set to free salespeople from the most tedious aspects of their jobs? We talked to Miller Heiman president and CEO Byron Matthews. It will come as no surprise that, today, salespeople spend only around a third of their time on core selling activities in front of a customer trying to understand their needs, according to Byron Matthews,…
Selling in a digital age
September 21st, 2017 by Nick de CentDigital is set to disrupt every aspect of life including business. So what’s on the horizon for sales and what’s already here? One day in the not too far distant future, a wave of technological innovation will transform society: for instance, brain-computer interfaces will replace keyboards; there will be intention-decoding algorithms; communications devices will be embedded in humans; and we…
Challenging the disruptive approach
September 21st, 2017 by Deirdre ColemanAlmost six years on since the publication of The Challenger Sale by CEB authors, we consider the principles of the wider disruptive selling approach and discuss their application in the field and what the future holds for provocative selling. In a 2012 Harvard Business Review article titled “The End of Solution Sales”, authors Brent Adamson and Matt Dixon identified a…