Friday, February 26th, 2021
New sales realities
Business leaders need to understand that it’s the fit of People, Process, Pricing, and Partners that drives sales effectiveness. Selling is changing. When managers make decisions based on obsolete assumptions, they fall victim to those who do understand cause-and-effect links between buying and selling. For over a half-century, buying has been framed in terms of a hierarchy-of-effects model: moving a…
Friday, February 26th, 2021
Need to know for 2021
Q: What do you see as the “new sales normal” emerging post-Covid? What will be different from before over the longer term? Mark Davies: A few things, all of which were trends that were occurring anyway (the Covid-forced recession has just accelerated these trends). Firstly, the trend whereby customers buy via digital channels will intensify. This is because customers know…
Saturday, October 31st, 2015
Increased sales scrutiny: are you ready?
Sales should be a core agent of strategy, not just a vehicle for a given selling methodology. In my career, I have attended many strategy meetings. Very few articulate the implications of espoused strategies for Sales. Moreover, the process for introducing new initiatives often exacerbates the separation of the “strategists” from the “doers” in the field. The typical process is…
Saturday, April 11th, 2015
Aligning strategy and sales
Harvard Business School’s Dr Frank Cespedes tells Nick de Cent why strategy is even more relevant in an era of constant change. NdeC: Does strategy still work in an era of constant change? What is the role of a business strategy in these conditions? FC: Some now say that strategy is less important – and may, in fact, be an…