AMA Winter Academic Conference (February 22-24, 2019)
10th December 2018 | Journal Of Sales Transformation
February 22-24, 2019, Austin, TX, USA
The marketplace has become increasingly smarter and complex. However, marketing research on these issues is fragmented and constrained by existing frameworks and theories. Consistent with the “big tent” philosophy of bringing together researchers who study marketing-related phenomena using various approaches, the 2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference seeks to attract exciting, rigorous research that is truly multidisciplinary and methodologically diverse. The focus of the conference on the issues of “understanding complexity” and “transforming the marketplace” underscores the importance of unpacking emergent marketing processes by a close examination of their complexity and identification of ways to transform the marketplace into a better world. To that end, creative applications and development of new methods and theories are welcome.
The 2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference is co-chaired by Son K Lam, University of Georgia; Markus Giesler, York University; and Xueming Luo, Temple University. A full list of conference themes along with information on the submission process is contained in the call for papers.