A transfer of enthusiasm

7th April 2016 |   James Sale

Are you, your team members or your customers relationship driven, achievement driven or growth driven? It makes a difference.

Brian Tracy in his many books and tapesI claims that 50% of any sale is a “transfer of enthusiasm”; in other words, it is something quite independent of the skill sets that so many organisations spend so much money investing in. To be clear about this: at least 50% of selling is not correlated with goals and scripts, prospect calling, identifying correct product need, presenting the best solution, answering objections, or even getting the prospect to take action, or what is called “closing”. And there are more skills besides. If this is the case, then what is this “transfer of enthusiasm” about and what is “enthusiasm”?


Before looking at this issue in more detail I would like to suggest that this position of Tracy’s is also evident in fields that seem unconnected, but which truly are: for example, recruitment. One of the world’s leading experts, Lou Adler, in his workII makes the point that the number one success factor in any hire is high levels of energy (also referred to as “drive” and “initiative”). This he rates above (though doubtless vital) team skills, past performance, and adaptability.

James Sale is the creator of Motivational Maps and the founder of Motivational Maps Ltd. He is a speaker, writer and thought-leader in the worldwide movement to transform how management works by enabling the ego-centred, fear-based 20th century top-down control model to be superseded by a 21st century dynamic, bottom-up, engagement-focused approach.

His book, Mapping Motivation, published by Gower, is the definitive text on how to do this by specifically addressing the question of employee motivation and its correlation with performance, productivity and profitability. James has over 250 management consultants and business coaches in 14 countries, licensed to use his product with corporates, small and medium-sized businesses, and public sector organisations.