The subtle approach

6th July 2015 |   Angie Dixey

Does coaching work best when team members are not even aware it is happening? Angie Dixey investigates.

As organisations increasingly turn to coaching to help improve sales performance and develop talent, performing the role of “coach” has become a commonplace responsibility for sales managers. Yet, even as organisations continue to expect this activity from their managers, the issue of whether effective coaching happens in practice is also coming under scrutiny.

Just because responsibility for coaching falls to sales managers, this does not necessarily mean they have the requisite skills or appetite to perform the role effectively. Indeed, recent research suggests managers are not coaching nearly as often as organisations would like, while a survey undertaken by the CIPDi observed nearly half of respondents reporting a decline in the perceived effectiveness of managerial coaching.

Founding Director at Angie Dixey Ltd

Angie Dixey is the founding director of Angie Dixey Ltd, a consultancy established in 2012, which provides coaching and leadership development programmes to sales leaders and their teams. Having enjoyed a successful and rewarding sales career spanning 20 years – during which she held direct sales, management and leadership positions – she understands intimately the demands and complexities of a competitive sales environment. She holds a Master’s degree in Coaching & Mentoring Practice, is a certified MBTI® practitioner and member of the International Federation of Coaching.