Unconscious bias in employment

Unconscious bias in business is apparent across a whole range of factors, including: appearance, gender, height, race, weight, accent and age.

Fortune 500: average height of US men = 5’. 9”;
the average height of US CEOs = 6’.0”.
14.5% of US men are >6’.0”;
58% of Fortune 500 CEOs are 6’.0”+.

In Fortune 500 companies, ethnic minorities hold about 7% of board seats; ethnic minority women hold about 3.2% of board seats. However, 36.3% of the population is from an ethnic minority.

Women begin to be discriminated against as a result of their weight when their BMI is 27. In contrast, men are not at serious risk of weight bias until their BMI is 35.

Information adapted from the “Unconscious bias infographic” published by Jaluch. For more, see: www.jaluch.co.uk/unconscious-bias-infographic/.
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